MGEC is governed by a Board of Directors, which consists of 5 Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Past President), and nine Directors. These positions are filled by Full Members of MGEC on a volunteer basis. The offices of Vice President, President and Past President are each a one-year term to be served successively for a total term of three years. The Treasurer, Secretary, and board members serve two-year terms. Any Full Member of the organization can run for the Board in the annual election cycle. Standing committees have been established to aid in MGEC program and project support. These committees are supplemented with task groups and ad-hoc committees as needed for short term and special projects. The board has regular monthly meetings; additional committee meetings and board meetings are scheduled, as needed, to work on or review particular tasks or projects.
An annual meeting is held once each year, usually in the spring or summer, to report on the condition, achievements, and direction of the organization, to which all members and represented non-members are invited to attend. Appropriate member/ non-member groups will also receive regular email updates, contract negotiation updates, and special legislative bulletins. Additional meetings are held at worksites and other locations throughout the year. Information on organizational activities is also made available on the MGEC website.
The staff of the organization consists of a full-time professional Executive Director/Property Manager and a full-time Member Services Manager. The staff are responsible for the day-to-day activities of MGEC.
MGEC activities are broadly classified in six functional areas: Member Services, Labor Contract Negotiating, Member Representation and Advocacy, Governance, Administration and Operations, and External Advocacy and Lobbying. MGEC is a 501(c)(5) IRS organization.