MGEC Represents 1,100 state employees in the engineering/survey fields. MGEC is non-partisan. It does not provide individual candidates nor political parties with funds. MGEC has questioned candidates about their positions on matters of interest to our members and shared that information; without making a recommendation.
For some members, there is an expectation that MGEC give “voice” to and act to promote their interests to legislators. In doing so, MGEC strives to inform legislators about the work state engineers and surveyors do. Topics which MGEC has lobbied for include passage of the MGEC contract, support for pensions, passage of benefits to employees, adequate funding and staffing levels for the agencies, use of state funds in the most efficient ways by state employees, avoiding layoffs and providing funding for state employees’ wages and benefits during layoffs. MGEC takes positions based on the collective interest of its members and works with members to communicate those interests to the appropriate parties through meetings, e-mail, and testimony.