MGEC is guided by an Executive Board. Each year about half of the positions on the board are up for election. Nominations will be received through October 28, 2023.
To express interest in a position on the board, complete the application, send it along with an email to with your name and position of interest. Only full members can serve on the board. If you’re not a member, there is still time to join, run, and or vote. You can join MGEC anytime by completing the membership card. To get the card, contact Donna Blackwell at Learn more about MGEC.
MGEC has received the following nominations so far:
- VP – Mohammad Dehdashti (MnDOT), Corey Mathisen (MDH)
- Treasurer – Wes Leksell (MPCA)
- Director: – (4 positions open): Blake Nelson (MnDOT), Jared DeMaster (MnDOT), John Dalton (MnDOT), Nick Olsen (MnDOT) Bruce Henningsgaard (MPCA), and Tareq Bastawisy (MDH)