MGEC will be offering an online professional ethics class on April 4, from Noon to 2 pm taught by David Schultz, Distinguished University Professor of Political Science and Legal Studies at Hamline University. He will be presenting on Why Good Engineers do Bad Things. Course description – Why do good engineers and organizations act unethically? Why do people who apparently know right from wrong nonetheless act unethically? The session will begin with a discussion of the classic Stanley Milgram punishment experiments, seeking to understand how they help explain unethical behavior. The class then uses examples to provide a foundation for an analysis regarding why people are unethical.
MGEC will make every effort to record this seminar for those not able to attend the live event.
Registration was sent out under a separate email. Cost is free for Full and Supporting Members, $30 for Associates and Life Members, and $60 for non-members.
Tips and tricks for registering.