March 1, 2022, the State of Minnesota, following current CDC guidance, rescinded HR/LR Policy #1442 regarding face covering. Agencies may have developed their own policies. Employees who feel more comfortable continuing to wear a face covering are welcome to do so. ... Read More >>
Activity/Organization updates
MGEC’s Monthly Executive Board Meetings
Did you know that you can participate in MGEC's monthly Executive Board meetings? The Executive Board has been meeting on Teams throughout the pandemic. Interested parties are able to join the meeting on Teams by clicking the following link: In order to allow for effective MGEC Executive Board Meetings, MGEC has the following guidelines for those who participate in Executive Board meetings as a non-Board member. Non-Board member meeting participants are asked to identify yourself when you join the meeting. Non-Board members are asked to ... Read More >>
Board Election Results
The 2021 Election results are in. Changes to the board take effect January 1, 2022 which include Corey Mathisen (MDH) ascending from Vice President to President, Dan Sullivan (MnDOT) becoming Vice President, Laura Lyons (PCA) moving from Secretary to Treasurer. Newly elected Directors include Mary Kloos (MnDOT), John Dalton (MnDOT) and Benton Campbell (PCA). Blake Nelson (MnDOT) was reelected. ... Read More >>
Have you been receiving MGEC emails?
If you have not been receiving MGEC emails sent from our Constant Contact address, please see the following FAQ. Question: I am not receiving MGEC e-mails, is there something wrong with my membership status or do I need to register on some list? Answer: As long as you are a State Employee, and your Position Title is one of our 15 classifications within MGEC, you are automatically on the mailing list and should be receiving all newsletters and updates. There are a couple exceptions: You are not a Full Member-only Full Members receive ballots for voting on MGEC issues (Board ... Read More >>
Backpay Arbitration
This case involved two separate issues. 1) The current MGEC contract provided for Employees in Ranges 1 & 4 to switch from annual progression steps to steps every six months. At issue was implementation of when employees were due their next steps once the contract became effective. MGEC believed that any employees in those pay ranges whose last step increase was six months or more in the past deserved the increase on May 18, 2020, because more than six months had passed since their last progression. The employer denied that interpretation and claimed that they must wait six months after ... Read More >>
MGEC Wins Arbitration
MGEC filed a grievance concerning employees who were not paid their Deferred Compensation match in 2019. This issue impacted approximately 462 employees! Arbitrator Wallin found that the employer’s change in process, so employees had to request matching funds was not reasonable; not done properly, and did not apply to employees who wanted the deferred comp match. Arbitrator Wallin said the process only applied to employees seeking to cash out vacation, not those who wished to receive the $300 in matching funds for their deferred compensation account. The state had attempted to argue they ... Read More >>