The annual member meeting has been rescheduled for August 30th, from 4-5 pm. It will be a virtual only event. The annual MGEC golf event has been scheduled for September 13th, starting with a 12 pm tee time at Oak Marsh Golf Course. The fee with cart is $61.00 ($43.49 without cart). Register by calling 1-651-730-8886 or online at This is a golf only event. MGEC is not hosting a dinner after the event. ... Read More >>
Activity/Organization updates
PE Review Class changes
MGEC will no longer be providing a PE exam review course. MGEC started offering the PE exam review class in the early 1990s; this long standing tradition was successful for almost 30 years! This change is the result of upcoming retirements for some instructors and other instructors balancing many responsibilities (work, children, etc.). The exams have been transitioning to an online basis and it’s expected that all will be online within the next couple of years. Instead, starting in November 2020, MGEC will provide reimbursement for Full Members enrolled in a review course for their ... Read More >>
Early Retirement Incentive (ERI) Update Feb. 2021
As of January, agencies were able to submit plans to utilize the ERI to MMB. The following agencies have chosen to NOT use the ERI: PCA, MnDOT, Revenue Agencies/Offices approved include the Board of Chiropractic, Office of Ombudsman Initial deadlines set by MMB for the ERI program are fast approaching. Interested employees should talk to their supervisor and Human Resources (HR) staff. The ERI will go before the legislature for approval this year. Until such time, agencies may continue to offer the ERI since it was not rejected by the SER. As agencies are waiting for the February ... Read More >>
Negotiations Update February 2021
The Negotiations Committee has been working since last August to review the contract and draft proposals to revise contract language. A negotiation survey was sent out through email on February 17th. It will remain open until February 26th. Please complete the survey if you haven't already, as this information will help the Negotiations Committee prioritize between proposals. MGEC has requested dates to bargain in May and June but has not yet received a response from the employer. Coalition insurance bargaining is expected to start in April. Insurance focused issues should be ... Read More >>
Early Retirement Incentive
MGEC received the Early Retirement Incentive (ERI) MOU from MMB on December 1st, 2020. MGEC has a process that allows our Executive Committee to approve modifications to the contract when additional benefits are provided, and no harm is done to anyone. This approval was completed by the Executive Committee on December 1st, 2020. We provided MMB with the signed MOU on December 2nd, 2020. Next steps: MMB will submit the ERI to the legislature’s Subcommittee on Employee Relations (SER). The employer (MMB or the agencies) will inform employees of the ERI once it is approved by the SER or if ... Read More >>
MGEC Executive Board Election Results
Here are the election results for the MGEC Executive Board. They will start their terms in January 2021. We would like to congratulate them, as well as thank everyone who ran for office. If you (or anyone who is a MGEC member) would like to get involved outside of the board, please let us know at President: Forrest Hasty Vice President: Corey Mathisen Secretary: Alex Bartley Directors: Laura Lyons Kevin Joyce Jason Radde Steve Oswald Mark Trogstad-Isaacson ... Read More >>